
Climate 180

A Turning point forum

Climate 180° is an exclusive forum that brings together a select group of international climate tech companies along with financial investors, government decision makers & industry representatives in order to advance solutions
for the climate emergency.

Since action is the name of the game, we organize and fascilitate thinking groups, strategic planning sessions and bring toghether the meeting of defined climate challenges along with technological solutions(hyperlink to article about Hoboken) to help mitigate and solve current and future problems.

Data driven decision Making

Mapping the clean energy tech investment ecosystem.

Join The map

Climate 180° brings together Climate tech companies, investors, government decision makers & industry representatives in order to advance business solutions for the climate emergency by creating Business to Environment (B2E) solutions.

Be in the midst of
innovative public/private collaborations & growing partnerships.
This is only one example of the endevoures we can accomplish together.
The Climate 180 Team

Founder & CEO of MILE, Advisor at Goldman Sachs, former Chief Innovation Officer of USGRDCO, published academic on Nuclear Strategy & Non Proliferatio

Co-founder of DoAlogue a strategic consulting company based in Israel & the former head of National Security Strategy team at the Reut Institute.

Manages all production of the Climate 180 Summit. Manager of our client relations, dealing with all aspects of coordinating & customer assurance.

Download May 2022 Summit Conclusions